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Help Appreciated

We’re looking for someone to help rebuild the website so if this is a set of skills you possess please contact us.


Aliquam scelerisque luctus nisl

Sed commodo, libero ut dignissim imperdiet, lorem nibh bibendum nisi, vel blandit est eros sit amet elit. Mauris nec arcu vel tellus aliquam congue. Mauris fermentum sem ut tortor ultricies dictum. Praesent at porttitor mauris. Curabitur pulvinar suscipit tortor venenatis […]


Server Upgrades

It’s not just the website that’s had a major overhaul, our servers have now been upgraded, all game servers now run on SSDs. We’ve also gone to a full gigabit network that includess a gigabit ISP fibre connection. We’ve done […]

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    Sed commodo, libero ut dignissim imperdiet, lorem nibh bibendum nisi, vel blandit est eros sit amet elit. Mauris nec arcu vel tellus aliquam congue. Mauris fermentum sem ut tortor ultricies dictum. [...]
  • Help Appreciated

    We're looking for someone to help rebuild the website so if this is a set of skills you possess please contact us.

  • Server Upgrades

Latest news

We’re looking for someone to help rebuild the website so if this is a set of skills you possess please contact us.

It’s not just the website that’s had a major overhaul, our servers have now been upgraded, all game servers now run on SSDs. We’ve also gone to a full gigabit network that includess a gigabit ISP fibre connection. We’ve done this to provide the lowest latency possible.